Tribes 🗿
Shorting the US government, stem cell babies, and a conversation with my cofounder Mary Lin about the future of community and government
Happy Sunday,
I owe many of you an update. Since we closed our pre-seed round in August, we have been privately beta testing our syndicate product. This lets anyone set up a venture investment vehicle (SPV) in less than a day, and it’s about 4x cheaper than AngelList.
We are now ready to start onboarding people to the community faster and scaling up.
If you want to get involved but still haven’t submitted your bio and investment interests, you need to do this first. You can do so here.
To those who have submitted full details but are still waiting - thank you for your patience, we’ll have you onboarded soon!
Now, on to the newsletter.
I’m making some additions.
Alongside our latest podcast episode, from now on I’ll also be sharing a summary of some of the best (and worst) things I’ve read on the internet, usually related to tech and investing. Let me know if you like it!
🎧 Podcast - Tribes, with Mary Lin
Today a very special episode of the podcast with my friend, cofounder and all round awesome human being Mary Lin.
Not on Spotify? Google Podcasts
The key theme of the conversation is human culture, tribalism and community. This leads us to discuss the future of how we organise and govern ourselves as humans. It’s really at the core of why we are building Odin. By giving people the tools to invest in things they believe in, we believe a better future can be built.
We also chatted about Mary’s upbringing in communist China, Brexit, tattoos, that Island Boy thing and all the dumb hot people in crypto.
At the bottom of the email I’ve included links to some of the things we discussed.

📰 Best of the Internet
Funny tweets and interesting bits of content from the last week or two
Great take bro

Yeah me too. In fact let’s just prevent them having relationships and keep them in cages with laptops. Would align incentives and keep founders actually focused.
I am Short the US Government
Great piece on hyperinflation and what to do (tl;dr: hold gold, maybe bitcoin). Did you know that 22% of all U.S. Dollars were created in 2020 alone? Read that again. 1/5th of all U.S. Dollars were created in 2020.
Build a Stork, not a Unicorn
A startup called Conception is trying to remove the age limits on motherhood by converting adult blood cells into human eggs. Thanks Johnathan for sharing.
Iceland epically troll Zuck

It’s not you, you are getting poorer (relatively)

I wrote a long piece about this subject last year. Hold more assets and start companies guys.
Alex’s investor passed (it’s a joke guys, chill)

From the podcast
Links to some of the stuff we spoke about:
📺 Island boy
Catchy tune, questionable life choices.
📰 God is Dead - Nietzsche
A short introduction to Nietzsche’s views on the morality of a world without God: the value of suffering and rejecting the idea that everyone is equal.
📚 The Diamond Age - Neal Stephenson.
This is an awesome piece of sci-fi that describes a nanotech-powered future that seems, politcally at least, closer and closer to reality. Society has fragmented into tribes with independent governance structures, moral codes, laws, etc., only loosely connected to one another. Thank you Peter for recommending!
📰 Hacking Venture Capital
I wrote this a while ago, it will give you an idea of why we do what we do at Odin.
📰 Industrial Society and its Future
The Unabomber Manifesto. Perhaps there is some method in the madness of genius mathematician turned terrorist Ted Kaczynski. It’s a fascinating read.
📰 The Metaverse is bullshit
I shared this with some of you already. It’s excellent.
That’s all for this week.
Any questions or comments, please just reply to this email!
All the best,